I'm looking for a nice pen pal. My hope is a single person who is kind, honest, serious, has a sense of humor, has hobbies, and can cook. I like English but I'm not good at it. For long sentences, I use a translat
jppkl00 / 21 / Muž
am learning how to speak and read English, so if you want to teach me I will be happy to do my best to teach you Japanese. I love sending letters, exchanging gifts, and sending emails. If you want to email me rather th
Yunu450MHz / 19 / Muž
学生です。 普段は学校にいるので返信が遅れます。絵を描いたりゲームをしたり、音楽を作ったりいろいろしています。ミリタリー系は好きなのでそういうのが好きな同志はよろしくお願いします。 I am a student. I am usually at school so my reply will be delayed. I draw pictures, play games, make music, and do other thin
Liam / 18 / Muž
Spojené štáty americké
I am Liam and I work mostly building and construction, I had knee surgery and spend time alone. I need some friends some one to talk to I hope you get to know me better
Tenma / 31 / Muž
Wajtektedlerry / 34 / Muž
stx21 quer rishek tedlerry noclegi w augustowie noclegi augustow blisko jeziora apartamenty augustow lodz noclegi augustow ul nadrzeczna noclegi pracownicze niedaleko suwalk
Alikhan / 25 / Muž
I live Kazakhstan and I search interesting people search new Friends