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Let's make world friends! Free global Pen-pal website, since 2009
Nome : AshleyE-mail : Sesso : FemminaVoglio : Maschio/FemminaEtà : 17Nazionalità : Stati UnitiScambio di Lingua : Scambio di LinguaHobby : I like to draw, write, play video games, and solve puzzles... I think I need new hobbies but oh well.Lingua : IngleseHey. I'm not sure what to write. I guess it's painfully obvious that I am indecisive.                                                  

Ricerca Corrispondenza Risultati : 8554

tyler / 27 / Maschio
Stati Uniti
average american guy with a friendly /charming personality to meet new friends from all over hope to meet anyone interested in american culture.
櫛谷 有貴 / 46 / Femmina
My name is Yuki. I am a 46-year-old housewife who works as a caregiver in a nursing home. I live in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. I'm studying English, Chinese, and Korean and want to make friends in the US, UK,Australia,C
Chris / 39 / Maschio
Regno Unito
My name is Chris, I'm 39, from UK. Any pronouns, but Chris is fine too. I like art, games, internet, tv, music etc. I like to draw and paint. I'm Looking for someone with similar interests. But I don't care about age, ge
Ashley / 17 / Femmina
Stati Uniti
Hey. I'm not sure what to write. I guess it's painfully obvious that I am indecisive.
北村朋唯(Tomotada Kitamura) / 82 / Maschio
Im not always a young man but so far keeping healthy life in Osaka Japan. In my younger days I worked for a pharmaceutical co.named Boeringer Ingelheim japan (Germany capital). My first job was the transration of b
くま / 59 / Maschio
日本で基礎教育を大学卒業まで受けてから、アメリカで社会人として財産を築いた後、資産運用に切り替え、今は温暖な南カリフォルニアのビーチ近くの一軒家でチワワとノンビリ暮らしている50代後半のバツの男性です メールから日々の事などを話しながらお互いに心地よい関係が築けたらと思い投稿させて頂きました 気が合えば、季節に合わせハワイと日本を行き来しながら、自然とグルメをシェアしながら楽しみたら幸いです
Steven Lim Lh / 52 / Maschio
Hellooo, English lecturer finding female + male friends ... expatriate or local :) If u need help with your English, let me know too...
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