I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart,some one curious about new things that would like to share new experiences or old habits ..I saw your ad penpalsnow and i want to say Hi to you...writ
REO / 21 / 남
Nice to meet you! I am a college student He is a former soldier. Please male and female. My hobby is reading and surfing snowboarding
HARUKI / 31 / 남
プロフィール見て頂きありがとうございますー!まだ登録したばかりで不慣れなもので、ちょっと緊張してます。 笑 旅行が好きな為これから色々語学を勉強していきたいので、外国人の方と交流したいです! 日本語なら教えられます!笑 どうぞ仲良くなりましょう カラオケでは三代目JSB、米津玄師、BTS、EXIEL、AAA、他V系とか唄います 日本では趣味でアーティスト活動しています!定期的にライブ出演してます! Thank you fo
kento / 22 / 남
I would like to make friends with foreign people. I live in Chiba and I am a university student in japan. My hobby is watching anime,shisha.I have studied English,German,italian,Latin. I love various country's culture!
olivia / 26 / 여
Hi! I would like to meet new friends and learn new languages and culture. Feel free to send me a message.
정현우 / 18 / 남
Hi I want to make Japan friend and to learn Japanese. I like Japan anime and vocaloid. And I want to chat you about Japan! I'm wating for you plz mail me!
seungho / 23 / 남
こんにちは 外国語を勉強したい大学生です。 ペンパルしながら仲良くなる人を募集します。 一緒に勉強しましょう。 誰でも自由に話をかけてください。 Hello I'm a university student in Korea and I want to study foreign language. Looking for friends through communication. Let's study togeth