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Let's make world friends! Free global Pen-pal website, since 2009
Nume : ImranE-mail : Sex : BărbatVreau : Bărbat/FemeieVârstă : 52Naționalitate : Regatul UnitAdresa : 11k New City RoadVreau să schimb : Nothing!Schimb de limbă : Schimb de limbăPasiune : Sport, Music, Cinema, Shopping, Travel, Cooking.Limbă : EnglezHi,

52 years of age man from Scotland employed in telecommunications seeking to meet new people. A clean living and happy man who is single, unmarried and childless. You should be 30 years onward preferably single and definitely heterosexual. I only want to communicate with people who have lots to say and discuss. Too often people have nothing to say consequently a connection can not be established. It is necessary to have good English speaking standards as well. I am not interested in swapping stamps, postcards or anything like that, whatsoever. Only seeking online not postal friends.                                                  

Căutare corespondenta Rezultate : 8552

asmaa / 16 / Femeie
I'm asmaa l love the foot ball
Lex / 28 / Bărbat
I want to meet new people, I communicate on any topic, write to me without hesitation.
Imran / 52 / Bărbat
Regatul Unit
Hi, 52 years of age man from Scotland employed in telecommunications seeking to meet new people. A clean living and happy man who is single, unmarried and childless. You should be 30 years onward preferably single and
Jiwoo / 29 / Bărbat
こんにちは。私は1991年生まれのジウと申します。 オペラ歌手として活動しています。 現在は声優になるために声優試験を準備していて日本の音楽と日本の食べ物に魅了されて日本の文化を学びたいです。 日本語はまだ翻訳機が必要な水準ですが、私に関心を持ってくれて手伝ってくれたら皆さんの良い友達になります 日本人の友達と付き合うのが私の願いです。 いつでも気軽にご連絡ください 私のLINE IDは forestzooです KAKAOTALKのI
Inci / 58 / Femeie
Hello, I'm looking for female penpal friends to exchange old fashioned postal letters with (pen on paper, {well printed letters are ok too}!paper in envelope maybe with a nice stamp😅) I'm a German woman from Turkey r
Yu / 21 / Bărbat
私の名前は悠です。趣味は、謎解き・電子工作・パソコンです。よろしくお願いします。 私は彼女が欲しいです。 赤ちゃんも欲しいです。 My name is Yu. my hobbies are solving puzzles, working with electronics, and using computers.I want her. I want a baby too. nice to meet to you
Camila / 37 / Femeie
I am shy person but wsih to be here to meet a good man for many mnay smilssss
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