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Let's make world friends! Free global Pen-pal website, since 2009
: yoshinoE-mail : : / : 16 : 絵を描くこと 読書はじめまして、私は日本の高校生のよしのです。
Hello!my name is Yoshino.I'm a high school student in Japan.I want foreign friend who can speak Japanese or English.I speak English so little...I can not send my own photos,sorry.I want to know your country.I'm late to reply, but I'd be happy if that's okay too.
I have mail and LINE                                                  

: 8565

hiroki / 24 /
Hi.I'm Hiroki. I want to leran English and culture. I like playing the guitar, driving, fishing etc... Add, I can teach japanese and culture. because I live in Kyoto haha Contact me:-) I have SKYPE.
Indah khairunisa / 18 /
Hi my name is indah, please be my friend😆😆😆 im 18 yo
megumi / 20 /
안녕하세요 ! 저는 97년생 일본인입니다 오랫동안 연락할수있는 친구를 구하고있어요 취미는 영화감상이나 음악감상이에요 한국의 생활이나 문화에 대한 관심이 많아요 앞으로 잘 부탁드립니다  (많은 친구들이랑 생각을 나누는것도 좋지만,좋은 친구 한 두명이와 지내는게 더 좋다고 생각합니다!) Hi. My name is Megumi. I'd like to learn English.
Erika / 22 /
Want to learn more Japanese I know some Spanish to I'm still learning would love the help thank you
yoshino / 16 /
はじめまして、私は日本の高校生のよしのです。 国籍を問わず英語か日本語で話せる方を探しています。 英語はあまりうまくできませんが頑張ってお返事したいです。 学生なので自分の写真を送るなどはできないです、ごめんなさい。その国の文化などを教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 メールかラインができます。 Hello!my name is Yoshino.I'm a high school student in Japa
Park Yukyoung / 19 /
Hi!My name is Yukyoung. I can speak English and Chinese. I want to meet many friends! send to me many massage!
britana / 26 /
Just looking for simplicity. Mature and responsible. Looking for any local or area connections for simple outings like movies, beach and of course eating out. Also looking for pen pals or any man(s) that would just like
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