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Let's make world friends! Free global Pen-pal website, since 2009

: 8556

dugon_kawaih / 40 /
神社で働いています!アニメ好きマンガ好き! 声優大好き! あなたが声優になりたい外国にいる場合、私は手伝います! / 51 /
はじめまして 日本人の男です 良かったらやりとりしてください I'm waiting for your message if you have ID when please tell me line or skype id 一応、簡単に自己紹介します。 男だというのは最初に書きましたね。 岡山県の北部に住んでいます。 趣味は読書とかアニメ、ゲームです。 歴史は好きで日本でいうと日本神話から幕末期くらいまで。 世界史は
Lennon / 15 /
Hi My name is Lennon. I'm 15 boy live in Japan,Tokyo I really want American or British or French friends... I prefer boy but welcome for girls lol I like to watching movies and dramas.I especially like starwars and
Jennetvee Massaqoui / 38 /
My name is Janet i am a mature lady i join this site to make friends and also for language, i speak and write English fluently and i want to learn Korean and also i want to teach anyone who is interesting in learning Eng
Life for good
Simon / 33 /
Am humble and jolly person but naturally looks tough. Looking for forever friend all over the world
Masa / 48 /
Nice to meet you, I live in Japan,48-years old man. I hope studying other languages and other cultures.And make friend. Please email me if you are interested. Thank you.
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