Hello, I am going to be living in Seoul for 3 months this summer with my daughter and I am looking to make some friends and practice my Korean. My KakaoID: turtlesonastick Even if your English isn't very good please
Nancy Perez / 16 /
Hi everyone 😊 My name is Nancy and I live in Chicago. I love everything art. Music poetry piano painting etc etc. I really want to be friends with a Korean boy so I can learn more about Korean culture because I listen to
GorillaIam / 19 /
Hi everybody I am Gorilla this not my real name lol just nickname I want new frends and new culture new language but I am learning japanese language and I want go to japan I want go to festival in japan and message me ^^
Gece / 18 /
hello everyone. I want to make new friends. Try to learn new languages and cultures
Manabu / 39 /
Nice to meet you. I am a Japanese male and living in the suburbs of Tokyo. I am looking for e-pals because I am not so good at understanding English language and I want to improve it. Of course, I want to know about your
なお / 13 /
こんにちは。私はnaoです。好きなものはアニメ、漫画、ゲームです。クラシック音楽も好きで、将来はイタリアで音楽を学びたいと思っています。また、私は他の国に友達を作りたいです。私に貴方の国の言葉を教えてください。貴方が望む場合、私も貴方に日本語を教えることができます。他の国に旅行もしたいです。プレゼント交換などもして見たいです。是非私と友達になってください。Ciao.Sono nao.Che cosa ti piace, anime, m
Diya / 18 /
Hi . Please sent me email in maulidiyasari@gmail.com . I hope friends with you 😊 I'm 18 y.o My english not fluent 😅