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Let's make world friends! Free global Pen-pal website, since 2009

Cuardach chara pinn Torthaí : 8565

sridhar / 20 / Fireann
An India
hi i am sridhar from india did you like to contact me you can contact at gmail also i have whats app
MJ / 40 / Fireann
Stáit Aontaithe (Mheiriceá)
Hello. I'm in California. Working in the healthcare industry. Would you be interest in having penpal from oversea? I'm not looking for romance or financial need. Just a simple message exchange about culture and all.
Alice / 13 / Baineann
An tSeapáin
l'm Alice. I stedy Engrrsh.
Antonio Campos / 23 / Fireann
Hi, I'm Antonio, I'm a programmer and an university student. I began studying Japanese since 1 year ago and I'm looking for someone who teaches me more and I would like to help you learning English or Spanish. Let's be
Lisa / 17 / Baineann
An tSeapáin
Lisaです。 好きなことは、食べること・歌うこと・おしゃべりすること・絵を描くこと・お芝居すること・寝ることです! 国籍問わず 色々な人と仲良くお話しできたらいいなぁって思ってます!LINEもやってるのでよかったら仲良くしてください!
GOKHAN HAN / 30 / Fireann
An Tuirc
Hi My name is Gökhan I am from Turkey I live in İstanbul I wantto meeting new friend,I want to discovery people and country I love travel thanks.
김재윤 / 18 / Fireann
An Chóiré
안녕하세요~ 한국에 사는 18살 남자 고등학생이에요. 괜찮으면 한국어 가르쳐드릴까요? 친구도 되었으면 좋겠어요
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