Hi everyone I am 30yo I am from West Africa and I have plans to move to Japan next month so I am looking forward to meet someone here as friend or something more intimate..... Thanks
Yanks / 50 / Fireann
An Ríocht Aontaithe
Looking for friends all around the world
とおる / 46 / Fireann
An tSeapáin
Nice to meet you. My name is "Toru." I like nature. Human beings will do something unexpected. I am not interested in responding via email. Please feel free to be a good friend to write a letter to me. The letter t
김다연 / 16 / Baineann
An Chóiré
Hello guys~ I'm dayeon and I'm Korean, 02line I like movie, animals, kpop and photography. I love MONSTA-X~ I am looking for a new friend. Would you be my friend? plz send mail to me~ こんにちは~ 私は韓国人です。02lineです ww
Minhee Kim / 27 / Baineann
An Chóiré
Hello. I'm mhk and 27 years. Great to meet you. 안녕하세요. 저는 mhk이고 27살입니다. 만나서 너무 반가워요~
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Momoka Je parle français un peu Je voudrais des amis français! Enseigne moi le français, s’il vous plaît ! I’m also studying Korean now Please be my friend 〜♡