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Cuardach chara pinn Torthaí : 8565

강아름 / 15 / Baineann
An Chóiré
Hello, my name is Ahreum Kang I'm learning Japanese
김강민 / 23 / Fireann
An Chóiré
안녕하세요.  대한민국에 살고있는 대학생입니다. 일본 영화를 즐겨 보다가 일본어에 흥미가 생겨서 일본어 공부를 최근에 시작했습니다. 언어교환을 통해 더 많이 알고, 또 일본 문화또한 많이 알고 싶습니다.
Masamune Negishi / 18 / Fireann
An tSeapáin
Hi,I'm Masamune. I 'm Japanese.I like studying human science. So,I would like to study English and German to go abroad.
İremnur / 15 / Baineann
An Tuirc
Hi, I'm Irem and i'm Turkish. I'm 15 years old and i'm high school student. I want to learn english. But if you want learn turkish i'll help you. Alsa i'm interesting k-pop and korean culture.
ERI / 30 / Baineann
An tSeapáin
Hi!I’m ERI.I’m 30years old .I live in Japan.I study English and looking for someone teach me English.  初めまして!英語学習のため英語でやり取りしてくれるペンパルを探しています。こちらからは日本語の手助けができるかと思います。仲良くなれたら嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします^_^!
ADRIAN HAYES / 59 / Fireann
Stáit Aontaithe (Mheiriceá)
Nico01 / 55 / Fireann
I am a very nice person and my friends do tell me that but in a way, I know that am nice my hobbies are very simple, I like traveling and also I love arts, drawing is one of the things I like most, at a point in my life
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